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Bring Us Your Old Jewelry

If you’re looking to part with some old jewelry or diamond collection, then A-Coin & Stamp Gallery in Northeast Florida can help. We offer the finest and most competitive rates on all sorts of diamonds, rings, and more. All you have to do is visit us. When you come by, one of our knowledgeable and skilled personnel will work with you to appraise your items to offer an open rate, which may be hard to pass up. Our team looks forward to working with you.

What We Look at During an Appraisal

It can be confusing or seem overly complicated to prepare for an appraisal. We strive to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible. We’ve compiled a list of some things to handle or address ahead of time to make your appraisal as quick and efficient as possible. The list includes the following:

  • If you have a diamond report, be sure to bring that.
  • Bring any official documentation that came along with your purchase.
  • It could help to inform us of the purpose of the appraisal, as we may be able to offer more help or information on what may be required.
  • Have a list of any of the historical information you have on your old jewelry.

Old Jewelry and Diamonds We Buy

While we look at and buy several items, our team can offer custom jewelry work and appraisal services. We take a comprehensive approach to service that you won’t receive anywhere else in Northeast Florida. Through this commitment, we’ve built a network of collectors and customers while solidifying our reputation in our community. Here is a list of old jewelry and diamonds we buy:

  • Diamond Rings
  • Diamond Engagement Rings
  • Class Rings
  • Diamond Earrings
  • Precious Stone Jewelry

Take Advantage of Our Expert Appraisal Services

If you would like an expert appraisal of your old jewelry, don’t hesitate and stop by today. Our experts are always ready to review your collection regardless of the day. If you would like to add a new piece to your collection or jewelry box, you’re more than welcome to browse our vast selection to see if there’s something you must have. Don’t miss out on the best possible rates for your old jewelry and diamonds by coming to see us today.

Bring Your Valuables in Today