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Three blocks south of University Blvd. on St. Augustine Road in Jacksonville, Florida.

We invite you to bring your merchandise to our store so we can examine and price your items based on their condition and quality. We pay more for your unwanted gold, jewelry, and coins!

We are unable to give phone estimates because our sale prices fluctuate with the prices of gold and silver markets. Although there may be a general net worth for your item, condition and quality must be taken into consideration when assessing your merchandise and collectibles.

We encourage you to bring your items to our Jacksonville, FL location so we can examine and properly value your merchandise.

We may be open during Saturdays if we have a gold and jewelry-buying event scheduled. Please check the Florida Times-Union, Section A in the paper, for weekly buying events. You may also contact our team to learn more.

We will make arrangements for a Saturday appointment if you call us first and confirm the type of merchandise you are selling. Let us know about the quantity and the general condition of your items. Call our store at 904-733-1204 to set up an appointment; we will be happy to meet with you!

Bring Your Valuables in Today